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Image by Element5 Digital
Image by Kimberly Farmer

Find a Roommate:


Housing in Kansas City is expensive, with rental costs up 30% over the past four years. A+ Advocates believes the best short-term way to secure an affordable place to live is to find a roommate and share housing costs.


Many new teachers earn $2,200–$2,600 a month, which makes finding a safe, well-maintained apartment within an $800 budget nearly impossible. However, good two-bedroom apartments are available for around $1,600, which becomes affordable when costs are shared.


We recommend finding a compatible roommate first, then searching for an apartment together. Below, you’ll find vetted resources to help you connect with other teachers in the area.

Finding a Roommate with 


In July 2024, A+ Advocates consulted with teachers and principals to gather feedback. Two key needs emerged:


  • Teachers prefer roommates who are also teachers.

  • Many new teachers have children and need a third bedroom.


After researching various roommate finder apps, we selected DiGGZ as the best option. It’s free, easy to use, and allows KCMO teachers to connect with one another for housing.






If you’re a KCMO teacher or affiliated with PREP-KC, please reach out to us for login instructions on how to access the DiGGZ platform. This guide will walk you through setting up your profile to connect with other teachers in the area and find a compatible roommate.

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